When we apply the question, “Is life living you, or do you live life?” we open a portal to empowerment. With Human Energy-Body Awareness, you receive information that reflects you to you. It is a choice we so easily make when we have all the information regarding the energy dynamics of creation itself: we are a sovereign spiritual being and our acceptance brings that energy into our daily life, so all that we hold dear to our heart becomes manifest. Where we place our self in this restructuring is our own choice. Author by: Tanya Jopson Language: en Publisher by: Tanya Jopson Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 69 Total Download: 436 File Size: 52,5 Mb Description: Life just got easier because amidst the material world constructs that are now dissolving due to the lack of low dense energy to power them, our higher vibrational energy is being utilized to create a whole new world in which to live. This enlightening body of information takes up where the New Testament leaves off and places upon the human consciousness that portion of the Father's work that Apostle John was not permitted to write about. Author by: Tuella Language: en Publisher by: Inner Light - Global communications Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 59 Total Download: 956 File Size: 53,9 Mb Description: Here are channelled messages and new commandments dictated from the throne of the Heavenly Father regarding a widespread plan of operation that is certain to motivate every Light Worker. It is a book for people who have asked the questions, “How did this beloved country of ours get into a mess like this,” and, “What can I do to help?” The answer lies in Ho’oponopono, the ancient Hawaiian/Lemurian response of love, compassion, forgiveness, and gratitude. I have known for years that I cannot get off this planet until I have written this book. Without the help of those extraterrestrials, we would have never made it through the 1990s. We are being watched over by trillions of ships, because this is the only time a planet has been allowed to ascend with her people on her.

Author by: Joyce Strahn Language: en Publisher by: Balboa Press Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 51 Total Download: 506 File Size: 44,6 Mb Description: Extra energies from heaven have been directed to planet Earth to help her and her people move into the fifth dimension. It addresses issues from meditation to telepathy and Universal Laws plus the existence of the Brotherhoods of Light.